Wednesday 25 February 2015

Galileo, Newton, and Einstein

After Monday's assembly and Room 11's presentation about 'Challenge', which is our over-riding concept for 2015, we got talking about Albert Einstein, Sir Isaac Newton and many other famous scientists who have helped us understand the world in which we live.

Albert Einstein was not only a genius mathematician and physicist but also a great philosopher.
Here are some of his famous quotes.

We also got talking about how Isaac Newton came up with the laws and rules to do with how objects move on Earth, This started through his fascination with gravity.

Gravity on Earth is the same for every object. So a feather and a hammer should fall at the same speed (if there was no atmosphere to slow the feather down). This was first explored by the Italian scientist Galileo who dropped two different sized steel balls off the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Later on an experiment was able to be performed in a giant room which had all the air pumped out of it (a vacuum).

 This same experiment was performed by astronauts when they were on the moon,

These astronauts were able to travel to the moon because scientists of the time made use of Isaac Newton's laws to design rockets to escape Earth's gravity. Albert Einstein thought Newton's Laws were okay on Earth but was convinced they would not work in space. This led to his Theory of Relativity, for which Einstein is most famous!

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